Terms of Service

Welcome to ASPIRE Connect. 

ASPIRE Connect is an online community and resource hub run by ASPIRE – the Association of IT and Business Services.

The Terms of Use set out your rights and responsibilities when you engage with ASPIRE Connect.

By using ASPIRE Connect you’re agreeing to the Terms of Use set out below. If you don’t agree, you may not use our services.

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Your ASPIRE account
  3. Your community responsibility
  4. Anti-discrimination
  5. Your content
  6. Cancellation
  7. Changes to the Terms of Use
  8. Contact us

Privacy Policy

We know your personal information is important to you, so it’s important to us. Our Privacy Policy details how your information is used when you use our services. By using our services, you’re also agreeing that we can process your information in the ways set out in the Privacy Policy.

Your ASPIRE Connect account

Currently ASPIRE Connect only accommodates pre-registered accounts.

Pre-registered accounts are of two kinds:

Member of an ASPIRE Group:

We have registered you on the site if you work for an ASPIRE Member company and your company has nominated you as a representative to an ASPIRE Group.  

As a member of an ASPIRE Group, you have access to your Group’s pages on ASPIRE Connect. These include a directory of group members, a resource library, an events calendar, a forum and a messaging service.

Please note, your profile is pre-populated with your name, company name and job title. We have also pre-loaded a profile photo. 

You are able to edit your profile. However, it is against the rules to impersonate someone else or claim to be from a company you don’t belong to.

ASPIRE Member Company:

Each ASPIRE Member Company also has its own profile on ASPIRE Connect.

Companies may use their profile to post updates on what is happening in their company, open and engage in discussions, post events, send messages and connect with and follow others.

Choose a secure password

Your account security is your responsibility and you are responsible for any activity that happens on it. Choose a secure password and if you have to share it, only share it with those you trust.

Your community responsibility

Shared learning, open discussion, and building a community resource available to all is at the heart of what we do. ASPIRE members use community spaces to find inspiration, share knowledge, discuss ideas, and build relationships that help us to develop the technology and business services sector and grow our businesses.

ASPIRE Connects needs to be a place that’s safe, welcoming, and respectful; you agree to the following rules when interacting with other members on the site.

  1. Be mindful of privacy. Don’t share private or personally identifying information in public areas of the site.
  2. Be respectful towards other members and, when in doubt, lead with kindness, assume best intentions and act on that basis. Don’t post content that may promote, support, or glorify hatred, or misinformation.
  3. Don’t spam. This includes unsolicited or duplicate posts which focus on selling rather than sharing.
  4. Keep it legal. Don’t engage in illegal activity or activity that infringes someone’s intellectual property, or encourage others to so either.

Messaging other members

Members may send each other direct messages using the built-in messaging system. As a member of a group you can collectively message other group members; otherwise you must be connected to a member before you can message them.

By using direct messages, you agree to all of the above policies. In addition, you may not send messages that are considered:

  1. Abusive, threatening, defamatory, harassing.
  2. Obscene or vulgar.
  3. Unsolicited advertising or promotions.

Reporting inappropriate behaviour

If you feel that a members’ behaviour has in any way been discriminatory, threatening, abusive, or illegal please get in touch so that we can support you and make the necessary action to make sure that this doesn’t happen to any other members.

You can contact us by email: joinus@aspire.org.pl


ASPIRE does not allow members, partners, or staff to discriminate against people based on the following personal attributes:

  • Race
  • Colour
  • Ethnicity
  • National origin
  • Religion
  • Gender
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Disability
  • Any other characteristic protected under European Union law

Your content

When you create content on  ASPIRE Connect you own that content. It is posted on ASPIRE Connect based on your agreement with the following:

Group members and Company accounts:

  1. You are solely responsible for that content. You own the necessary rights to the content and you are not violating intellectual property rights by submitting it to us

Company accounts only:

  1. By submitting content to ASPIRE Connect, you grant us a license to use it. We don’t claim any ownership to your content, but we have your permission to use it to help ASPIRE function and grow. That way, we won’t infringe any rights you have in your content and we can help promote it.
  2. You grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, license to use, display, edit, modify, reproduce, publish, and prepare derivative works of your content. This allows us to publish your content on our site and promote it across our marketing channels and our other services.

We reserve the right to refuse to publish any content we find to be of insufficient quality, inappropriate or to be in violation of the Terms of Use.

ASPIRE may ask for permission to use one of your images or videos on ASPIRE Connect. If you agree you must be clear with us about the context in which you allow us to use the content, any editing you allow us to do, and the attribution you would like us to publish.


Account canceled by you

We’d hate to see you go, but you can cancel your account with us at any time by contacting us at: joinus@aspire.org.pl. You can also request a download of all the data we store about you. This will be deleted from ASPIRE Connect when your account is deleted, however, some information will be retained in our CRM to help us with statistical analysis.

Account canceled by us

We may cancel or suspend your account and your access to our member-only services should we have reason to believe you, your content or your use of our services violate the Terms of Use. We will notify you that your account has been cancelled or suspended unless you repeatedly break the Terms of Use, or we have legal or regulatory reasons preventing us from notifying you.

We may cancel services 

ASPIRE reserves the right to change, suspend, or cancel any of services for you, any or all users, at any time, for any reason. We will not be liable to you for the effect that any changes to our services may have on you, including your income or your ability to generate revenue through our services.

Changes to the Terms of Use

We may update these Terms of Use from time to time. If we believe that the changes are material, we’ll let you know by email or message. That way you can decide whether you want to continue using our services. Changes will be effective upon the posting of the changes unless otherwise specified. You are responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with any changes. Your use of our services following the changes constitutes your acceptance of the updated Terms of Use.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the Terms of Use, contact us:

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