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AI in Tech & GBS: Navigating Legal Landscapes for Compliance and Success

February 6 @ 10:00 12:00

SPCG Office

ul. Jabłonowskich 8, Kraków 

The development of AI technology is being followed by changes in the law regulating its deployment. The EU AI Regulation has already entered into force and the countdown to the start of its application has begun. 

In the meeting, we will introduce you to what and who exactly is affected by the provisions of the AI Regulation, and how to prepare your company to carry out the new obligations.

We will also suggest what issues you should take into account when introducing procedures and documentation regarding AI systems. Some of them will reflect the obligations of the AI Regulation, but the basis of some will be the regulations already in force, especially in the areas of cyber security, data protection, or intellectual property protection.

Since dedicated AI Systems – for now – do not create themselves but require collaboration with the system provider, we will also address contracts with such contractors. We will highlight key issues related to the procurement of AI Systems, their subsequent maintenance, as well as the company’s acquisition of databases.


  1. AI Regulation – Who and what does it apply to?
  2. AI Regulation – Obligations of suppliers and users of AI systems (Compliance)
  3. Using AI systems in the company – procedures and documents (Governance)
  4. AI systems contracts
  5. Q&A Session

  1. AI Regulation – Who and what does it apply to?
    The AI Regulation is a comprehensive legal act aimed at all entities in the AI Systems value chain from suppliers, through importers, to users: 
  • Definition of AI Systems under the Regulation
  • Prohibited AI Practices
  • High-Risk AI Systems
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Penalties for non-compliance
  1. AI Regulation – Obligations of suppliers and users (Compliance)
    Obligations vary depending on the risk associated with the AI System:
  • Ensuring oversight of AI usage within the organisation, and 
  • Interacting with affected parties where required.
  1. Using AI systems in the company (Governance)
    Defining internal rules for employees and subcontractors on AI usage: 
  • AI Policy Needs 
  • Staff AI Literacy 
  • Reviewing external service regulations
  1. AI Systems Contracts
    Areas covered include: 
  • Key contractual issues with AI system contractors 
  • post-deployment service contracts 
  • database vendor agreements.


People responsible for technological, IT, and legal matters, as well as management.


Dr. Marcin Balicki, Attorney-at-Law, Senior Associate

  • Expert in intellectual property and new technology law.
  • Author of numerous publications and legal guides.


Please note the seminar will be conducted in Polish and is free of charge to ASPIRE members.

Places are limited and so you are advised to register asap. The deadline for registration is 31 January.

Don’t see the form. Click here.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.